Complete CBT Cessation Course (CCCC)
Live one-on-one counseling with Mark Holmes M.A., YouTube’s Alcohol Quit Guru from the privacy and comfort of your own home via Zoom on Laptop, Tablet or Mobile. Video and/or Audio Available.
Week-to-Week Course Guide

Live 1:1 Online sessions (10 x 45 mins/week)
Fully–researched & tested Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Course
Free 30-Minute Initial Assessment
Week 1
Introduction / Rationale / Self-Recording
- Holmes will explain how the course works and what he did to succeed on it.
- Holmes will ask you to commit to the program and you will both sign a Counseling Contract.
- Holmes will review the results of your initial assessment and explain how your Peak and Daily BAC were calculated and Percentile Charts for population comparisons from his book.
- Holmes will explain how to self-record using the templates from his book.
- Holmes will discuss your preferred rate of achieving abstinence using tables from his book and you will select your ideal Intake Reduction and Meditation Development plan from his book.
- Holmes will help you plan how to deal with any upcoming high-risk situations in which you may be tempted to drink and share strategies he used to cope with it in his book.
Week 2
Functional Analysis
- To begin tracking your progress towards your goals
- To analyse the chain of events that maintains your drinking
Holmes will help you analyse your patterns of alcohol consumption and explain how to record and rank urges and cravings (using the Weighted Urges methodology from his book) and plot these graphically. Holmes will also explain the Alcohol Chain of Behaviour from his book and how he constructed it from Negative Automatic Thoughts, Dysfunctional Rational and Irrational Intermediate Beliefs, and Core Beliefs using REBT and Cognitive-Behavioral Theory, described in his book, Holmes’s Complete Guide To Stop Drinking Alcohol; The Easy, Mindful and Pain-free Way.
Week 3
High-Risk Hierarchy / Social Network Triggers / Self-Management Plans
- To identify your high-risk situations and list them in order of difficulty
- To identify heavy drinkers in your social network
- To develop a plan for dealing with the triggers for your drinking
They say “Forewarned is forearmed” and this strategic session is tailor-made to prepare you, and give you the tools you need, for the challenges ahead, rather than repeatedly face them blind, which in the past may have led to inevitable relapses for even the strongest-willed. Many find Week 3 of the course a turning point in their journey to permanent sobriety.
Week 4
Enhancing Motivation to Change
- To work out a self-management plan for triggers from your High-Risk Hierarchy
- To think about your reasons for wanting to quit drinking
- To start addressing negative short and long-term effects.
At this point, you will have a very clear idea whether the course is working for you and you are making progress towards your goals. Next week, you will probe deeper into assessing any potential anxiety or depression issues.
Week 5
Assessing Anxiety and Depression / Dealing With Urges
- To assess any anxiety or depression you may be experiencing.
- To learn ways of coping with your urges and cravings to drink
- To review the skills you have learned and the progress you have made up to this point and reinforce key learning objectives.
Week 6
Affect and Mood Management / Rearranging Behavioral Consequences
- To learn how to cope with anxiety and depression
- To challenge negative thoughts
- To practice relaxation
- To learn how to let things go
- To discover alternative activities that you can engage in instead of drinking
- To learn ways of increasing the positive rewards of staying sober
Week 7: Connecting With Others / Dealing With Alcohol-Related Thoughts
- To improve your social support for abstinence
- To learn to challenge and replace your dangerous thoughts about alcohol that lead to drinking
- To learn how to be assertive
- To practice drink refusal skills
Week 9
Anger Management & Relapse Prevention
- To learn how to manage your anger
- To start learning about relapses and how to avoid them by discussing the impact of seemingly irrelevant decisions on your drinking
- To identify warning signs for relapse and devise plans for handling them when they come up
- To learn about slips and relapse
- To learn ways of handling slips and relapses
- To come up with a plan for handling slips and relapses
Week 10
Anger Management Part II / Problem Solving / Relapse Prevention Part II
- To use “time-outs” as an alternative response to anger triggers
- To practice self-calming in preparation for problem solving
- To learn how to problem solve effectively
- To identify the skills you will continue to use to maintain your progress in the future
- To create and sign a relapse contract
Achievement is a challenge. Compare this course with the greatest achievement of your life like graduating from University, nothing permanently worthwhile is gained without hard work and effort. You know that. As a former schoolteacher and college lecturer for twenty years, Holmes is well-practised in the rigours of course design and pedagogy, as well as an expert in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and registered CBT therapist. If you have no doubts that this is the right course for you, and are “fed up of being fed up” of drinking, and want to commit to quitting once and for all, and know in your heart this is the best decision you’ll ever make, trust Mark Holmes, YouTube’s Alcohol Quit Guru, and click the button below now.
“I wasn’t sure I had a drinking problem, so why would I need help. I had a successful career and had quit drinking many times on my own using willpower. But eventually I got so sick and tired of being sick and tired of drinking, I’d had enough. That’s when I decided I needed help. This programme helped me understand why I kept on quitting. I haven’t had a drink since and I have no desire or cravings to drink again. I highly recommend this programme.”
“Friendly but quite firm that no alcohol was permitted before a session, even though it was online. Drinking after a session was ok, which was a relief at first, but after week 3 or 4 I didn’t want to drink straight after anyway. You also have to do homework between sessions which is basically just recording when you want a drink and what you drink. I stopped drinking in Week 9 and never looked back. I still attended until week 10 which was helpful in adjusting to my almost literally new world. Thank you for everything.”
“I think the reasons women drink and men drink are totally different. Some of the quit lit books by men don’t understand that. My drinking had nothing to do with keeping up with the lads in the pub, it was more an emotional thing, and CBT [Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy] helped me understand where my thoughts and feelings came from. This programme not only stopped me drinking, but changed my outlook and I feel calmer, happier and more positive. Thank you so much.”
a) £400
(10 weeks x 45 mins)
b) £50/45mins
(pay weekly)
Book a FREE 30-minute consultation,
with no obligation, by clicking the button below, or email: hello@addictionhelp.agency
If you’re still not sure whether you need one-on-one or group therapy, you can buy Holmes’s book first, “Holmes’s Complete Guide To Stop Drinking Alcohol; The Easy, Mindful and Pain-free Way”, which works for many people, but if you need more help, we will discount the cost of the book from the price of the course after you book it, if you send your proof of purchase by email to: accounts@addictionhelp.agency .
The book will also give you a greater understanding of CBT and the techniques involved on the course if you want to try it later. It is win-win!