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The Online Magazine Celebrating Sobriety

What is the best hangover cure? [vlog #11]

by | Aug 11, 2021 | Vlog

Mark Holmes, Alcohol Quit Guru, uses his former alcoholic expertise to recommend the best hangover cure in the world! His own secret concoction!

Good morning, and welcome to the Sobriety Vlog. Today’s question is, What is the best hangover cure?

I mean, technically, this is a sobriety vlog so I don’t know why I’m asking myself what is the best cure for hangovers because I’m supposed to be encouraging sobriety.

But then I think, look, this is also meant to appeal to people who want to stop drinking alcohol, the potential buyers of my book, “Holmes’s Complete Guide To Stop Drinking Alcohol,” so I’ve got to appeal to drinkers too.

Drinkers want to know what is the best hangover cure from the expert!

1. Rehydration

You’re definitely going to have to rehydrate, so if you wake up parched in the morning, rehydrate with water, so that’s the number one tip.

2. Fresh Orange Juice

Number two. Drink orange juice, fresh orange juice if you can, or even better, eat oranges. Why? Because you’re going to lack Vitamin C potentially. Often alcoholics in recovery – we look at a detox diet in the book – might need vitamin C.

3. Fruit Rainbow

In fact, I would, if I was really hungover, get myself some fruit. That would be a great start. Just go to the fruit shop and raid it! Get some strawberries, get some oranges, because they’ve also got lots of different nutrients. So  get yourself a little rainbow of fruits.

Some red, some purple… Red orange, yellow – “Roy” – “G” – green – “Biv” – blue, indigo violet. Yeah, do a little rainbow of fruit. FRUIT RAINBOW! That’s my recommendation for the perfect hangover cure.

They’ve got riboflavins, is is it called riboflavins? I can’t remember, it’s in my book.

The only other thing I can think of as the best cure for a hangover is don’t get drunk!


RED: 2 Strawberries
[Vitamin C + Manganese]


YELLOW: 1 Banana + 1 Lemon

GREEN: 1 Avocado [B2/Riboflavins] + 1 Kiwi

BLUE: 1 Water + 1/2 Coconut Water

INDIGO: 2 Grapes
[Vitamin C & Vitamin K]

VIOLET: 1 TBSP Chia Seeds
[NB. Brown NOT Violet!]

Blend for 3 minutes.

The Best Hangover Cure In The World.

Have a great day.


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Mark Holmes MA is CEO and Founder of the Addiction Help Agency Ltd., to help others achieve permanent sobriety painlessly without using willpower and without cravings.

Holmes is a former School Counsellor, and qualified teacher, and high functioning alcoholic for over thirty years who spent years researching how to stop drinking which led to training as a CBT Therapist and culminated in writing his unique CBT and mindfulness method of alcohol cessation in "Holmes's Complete Guide To Stop Drinking Alcohol; The Easy, Mindful and Pain-free Way" available online and from all good retailers.

Holmes has a Master's degree from UCL, and is a registered CBT Therapist at NAADAC, The Association for Addiction Professionals, and abides by their professional standards and ethics.

Holmes offers one-to-one online counselling HERE internationally.

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