The Top 10 Stop Drinking Apps
This list of the Top 10 Stop Drinking Apps is based on the number of Google Play Ratings/Reviews and Installs, because number of Installs is not listed on Apple’s App Store. If you search for “Stop Drinking Apps” on Google Play the algorithm will determine which are listed without ordering by ratings/reviews or Installs. If you search on google for “best” lists you will also find reviews which also do not rank by number of ratings/reviews or installs, and some are professionally written advertising for apps. This list is ranked as objectively as possible based on publicly available information from Google Play with links, descriptions and screenshots to confirm data at time of publication and additional information.
Stop Drinking Apps may contain meeting locators, positive reinforcement, Social networking, coping skills and sobriety counters / calculators. Please note The Addiction Help Agency does not endorse the use of any Sobriety counters / calculators which may be detrimental to permanent cessation as described in “Holmes’s Complete Guide To Stop Drinking Alcohol.”
1) Quitzilla – 63,620 Reviews – Over 1m Installs
“Overcoming addiction is extremely hard. With Quitzilla – Habit Breaker you can follow all of your bad habits and addictions and use the app as help to analyze them and beat them. Besides the counting of days, it also features a sobriety clock letting you know the exact hour when you break the habit. Use it for overcoming drugs, gambling, junk food, and sugar addictions.”
Updated: March 11, 2020
Size: 5.9M
Installs: 1,000,000+
2) I am sober – 45,975 Ratings / Reviews – Over 1m Installs
“I Am Sober is more than just a free sobriety counter app. Along with tracking your sober days, it helps you build new habits and provides ongoing motivation by connecting you to a wide network of people all striving for the same goal: staying sober one day at a time.”
Updated: December 7, 2021
Size: 44M
Installs: 1,000,000+
3) Sobriety Counter – 35,530 Ratings / Reviews – Over 500K Installs
“EasyQuit” is an app that will help you quit drinking immediately or by using a “quit drinking slowly” mode. It has many motivational features such as the money you save, motivational health statistics about your body and how it improves without alcohol and personal motivations with a reminder function.”
Updated: October 28, 2021
Size: 9.4M
Installs: 500,000+
4) Sober Time – 28,401 Ratings/Reviews – Over 500K Installs
“Sober Time is a sober day counter with a built-in community that tracks how long you have been clean and sober. Start or continue your sober recovery journey: Sober Time’s sober day counter is helping thousands of recovering addicts recover from serious addictions like substance abuse, alcoholism, drug abuse or smoking. Put the power of sobriety back in your hands by tracking your addictions in a beautiful and elegant sobriety counter.”
Updated: October 14, 2021
Size: 20M
Installs: 500,000+
5) AA 12 Step Toolkit – 11,314 Ratings/Reviews – 100K Installs
“This is the only recovery app based on the big book alcoholics anonymous that you will ever need to maintain your daily reprieve. It is a perfect companion app for your 12 step aa program.
Updated: October 21, 2021
Size: 23M
Installs: 100,000+
6) Sober Grid – 4.4k Ratings/Reviews – Unknown Installs
“Sober Grid is an essential tool for your recovery — providing access to peer-support and other resources critical to staying sober. Join the community on Sober Grid and begin your journey today!”
Size: 79.4 MB
Installs: Installs not given on Apple’s App Store and not Available on Google Play. Included at No.6. based on number of reviews.
7) Joe & Charlie – 4,091 Reviews – 100K Installs
“Includes Joe & Charlie’s Big Book Study: 17 free tracks of 34. In-App billing allows upgrading to full version.”
Updated: October 12, 2020
Size: 13M
Installs: 100,000+
8) Drinkaware – 2,981 Ratings – 100K Installs
“You don’t have to make a change to your drinking habits alone. MyDrinkaware is your in-pocket support system, whenever you need it most. From the UK’s leading alcohol education charity, Drinkaware’s free alcohol tracker app is the first step in changing your drinking habits and leading a healthier life.”
Updated: December 16, 2021
Size: 5.5M
Installs: 100,000+
9) Sober Today – 2,483 Ratings / Reviews – 100K Installs
“Keep track of your sobriety date and the number of days you are sober with this simple free app!”
Updated: December 2, 2019
Size: 6.1M
Installs: 100,000+
10) TRY DRY – 487 Ratings / Reviews – 100K Installs
“Try Dry is the powerful, easy to use, and totally free app helping tens of thousands of people to take control of their drinking. Try Dry is the official app of Dry January, run by the charity Alcohol Change UK.”
Updated: December 16, 2021
Size: 9.9M
Installs: 100,000+
If your favourite Stop Drinking App is not included in this list, feel free to add it in the comments below and if you have found this article useful please share it using the social media buttons here. Thanks. I appreciate it 🙂