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The Online Magazine Celebrating Sobriety

#1 When is the best time to stop drinking alcohol?

by | Aug 1, 2021 | Vlog

Welcome to the Crazy Sobriety Vlog. And today we’re asking when is the best time to quit drinking alcohol?

This is the third or fourth time I’ve tried to do this video.

I have the baby screaming outside the room. And my mind is absolutely all over the place on what I should be trying to do to get a job because I am #ibja – in between jobs again!

And I was really inspired to do this very brief video because of three things.

One, Rob Barnett, who created the hashtag #ibja, wrote a book, “Next job, best job,” and I’ve just reviewed that, and he did this. And it seemed like a really good way to focus on my daily sobriety journey.

Two,  I’ve just written a book and it’s taken everything out of me. And the book is called “Holmes’s Complete Guide To Stop Drinking Alcohol.” And I thought it might be really useful to actually try and explain what sobriety means to me, and how it affects what I do on a kind of personal level, the book was very academic, so that’s the other reason.

And three, I’m hoping to get reviews for my book, because it’s a bit like a chicken and egg situation. If you haven’t got any reviews, no one will buy it. And if nobody buys it, you’ll never get a review. So I’m always going to be #ibja – in between jobs again. So, yeah, it’s a bit of a struggle at the moment because obviously I’ve got family, I’ve got two kids, and financially…

You can hear them now, they’re muttering outside, here we go! My boy’s got to go into school, my wife is getting my boy ready for school, and so it’s  a bit of a silly time to do this because… here you go, can you hear… I don’t know if you can hear that? [Muffled voices in background] Oh man, here you go, it might just be like muttering, but I do apologise.

So anyway, let’s get back to the point today. What is the best time to stop drinking alcohol? Just like this video, I’m afraid, there isn’t one.

You can wait for the perfect circumstances, they’re never gonna happen are they? It’s  like I said, like doing this video. It is what it is.

I wish everyone had better circumstances, but it’s never the circumstances that make you drink.

We always think it is. We always think it’s the things outside us, we’re drinking because of those external factors.

And actually, when I was researching the book, I found that there’s a difference between why people drink. Some people who are younger tend to drink from peer pressure, and to have a more positive social effect, a positive emotional state, whereas older people like me, they tend to drink to relieve a kind of negative emotional state. That’s what I found out in the research. Now, what does that have to do with what I’m saying?

You often think, “Oh, I need to drink because of these negative external circumstances.” And it’s not true. I mean, my negative external circumstances are pretty “interesting” at the moment, but I’m still trying to be positive and stay focused and work on the task at hand.

There is never going to be an ideal time to stop drinking alcohol. So that’s the answer.

See you tomorrow.




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About Us

Mark Holmes MA is CEO and Founder of the Addiction Help Agency Ltd., to help others achieve permanent sobriety painlessly without using willpower and without cravings.

Holmes is a former School Counsellor, and qualified teacher, and high functioning alcoholic for over thirty years who spent years researching how to stop drinking which led to training as a CBT Therapist and culminated in writing his unique CBT and mindfulness method of alcohol cessation in "Holmes's Complete Guide To Stop Drinking Alcohol; The Easy, Mindful and Pain-free Way" available online and from all good retailers.

Holmes has a Master's degree from UCL, and is a registered CBT Therapist at NAADAC, The Association for Addiction Professionals, and abides by their professional standards and ethics.

Holmes offers one-to-one online counselling HERE internationally.

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